The first major problem
with his thesis is his claim of a 2,500-year continuity rooted in Greek hoplite
warfare. Hanson argues that what produced the present Western superiority in
arms was “not a fundamental alteration and improvement in arms and…the
classical military paradigm, but rather its gradual spread throughout Europe
and the Western hemisphere.” However, professional Roman legionaries, mounted
medieval aristocrats, Germanic tribal levies, and disenfranchised mercenaries
of early modern Europe had very little in common with the agrarian hoplites of
ancient Greece (Lynn, 2004, p. 26). The most common challenge to rupture
Hanson’s line of continuity is the fact that there was a thousand year period
in which Europe was completely on the defensive against Islamic armies. Instead
of explaining practices like siege warfare in terms of what he calls a Western
cultural tradition and chronicling heavy European losses in this period, he
chooses to focus on Lepanto as the embodiment of this period and argues that
most states in Europe managed to retain the cultural traditions of Classical
antiquity over this time.
posits the emergence of civic militarism combined with the proclivity toward
decisive battle among other factors as a distinctly Western phenomenon. Of
course, his analysis begins by easily drawing a line connecting Greece and
Republican Rome, but this line of continuity starts to fray as the republic
evolves into an empire because civic militarism became almost non-existent when
the demands of foreign wars engineered a shift from citizen militia to
professional mercenary force whose allegiance rested with generals and
emperors; this development was a key factor in fueling the Roman Civil Wars
that ultimately contributed to the empire’s demise and would be an important
cultural legacy left to the successors of the empire.
the fall of the Roman Empire, Classical traditions did not persist with the “barbarian”
armies that defeated the Western empire. The sheer diversity of combat styles among
the Germanic tribes that raided the Western half of the Roman Empire after
Adrianople in 378, ranging from Goths who came out of the steppes emphasizing
their cavalry to Franks who came down from Northern forests accentuating their
infantry, seriously test the validity of Hanson’s idea of a unique Western way
of warfare. Although proponents of Hanson’s thesis point toward the fact that,
once settled, these tribal societies picked up some old Roman practices and
institutions, but they rapidly disappeared and such egalitarian societies were
governed by custom and not a continuation of Classical practices. Later, in the
high and late Middle Ages, regardless of relatively weak attempts by scholars
like Keegan and Hanson to make knights seem like they followed Greek shock
combat tactics (which were very rare at that time), it is quite difficult to
reconcile the importance of aristocratic cavalry with the Greek infantry-based
ideal. Although some armies emphasized formations like Swiss pike squares, such
configurations were not the norm and were responses to military realities of
the times rather than results of careful perusal of Greek precedent. Even in
the Hundred Years War in which infantry was the largest component of the
fighting force, there was no appearance of any phalanx or legion type
formation. The historical aberration of centralized polities such as that of
Charles Martel in the age of feudalism is not, as Hanson says, a “continuation
of a 1,400-year tradition.”
Hanson focuses on the era of chivalry, he misses out on the other half of the
story of that period in which devastating “chevauchees” painted the story of
combat in blood red. Again, the Hundred Years War is again illustrative of the
places where Hanson’s thesis falters; during the campaign leading up to, and
ultimately, the Battle of Crecy in 1346, there was a varied and incongruous relationship
“between reality and discourse in medieval warfare.” Moreover, feudal armies
were composed not of citizen soldiers, but of peasant and serf levies and
mercenaries, which certainly does not help the claim that these armies
exhibited a strong tradition of civic militarism. At the end of the Middle
Ages, the so-called representative institutions that emerged in some European
monarchies like Louis XIV’s Fronde,
the French Estates General, or the
English parliament, were merely manifestations of the authority of nobles or
the king himself and cannot credibly be used as evidence toward Hanson’s thesis
regarding equality among the middle classes and consensual government. Hanson
even disparagingly references Berber, Mongol, Arab, and Ottoman armies that employed
the same types of people to fight in their armies, further diminishing the
force of his theory.
crucial point in terms of the continuity debate is the Renaissance. However,
instead of the gradual spread model propagated by Hanson, the aforementioned
historical context demonstrates that the Classical practices and institutions
of the Renaissance were adapted to the technological and socio-political
context of early modern European armies (Lynn, 2004, pp.16-19). Even if
opponents of Hanson’s line of continuity were granted a complete Classical
revival in tactics (engineered by Maurice of Nassau and others), there still
remains the fact that these armies (like the Italian condotierre) were battle-averse, did not seek decisive battle, and
did not feature any semblance of civic militarism. In fact, the desire for
decisive battle only returned with Napoleon’s ascendancy, which coincides with
the return of civic militarism at the eve of the French Revolutions. Subsequently,
“from Marius to Robespierre is a gap of nearly 1,900 years in a claimed
continuity of 2,500 years” and even if the Roman Empire is credited with a
degree of civic militarism, this breach in an alleged Western tradition persisted
for over 1,400 years.
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