When you sign up for the InGenius Prep Platinum interview package, here is what will happen:
Within about 24 hours - usually much quicker than that - you will be contacted by your Graduate Coach - a current student or recent graduate of a top law school and, usually, if you indicated it to us, your preferred law school or the law school whose interview you are preparing for. Right off the bat, you will schedule times for your 3 mock interviews: 2 with your Graduate Coach and 1 total dress rehearsal one with a seasoned former admissions officer with extensive interview experience - again, usually from the school whose interview you are preparing for.
If you haven’t already sent us whatever application materials you have, your personal counseling team will gather it from you now so they can prepare to ask you specific questions based on your application. Of course, throughout your package, you’ll have full e-mail support from your counseling team.
Your mock interviews will run as follows: You will meet by video chat - or phone, if that is preferred - and the Graduate Coach will give you an opportunity to ask any initial questions before the interview begins. The mock interview will last 15 minutes - the approximate length of actual law school interviews - in which the Graduate Coach will ask you the sorts of questions you will likely get on your actual interview. The entire interview will be recorded for your reference. After the interview, the Graduate Coach will give you detailed and constructive feedback - on everything from the content of your answers to your tone, style, and body language. A second interview - conducted after some time for reflection or immediately - will help you improve upon your initial interview ...practice makes perfect. It, too, will be followed by a second round of constructive feedback
After your two mock interviews and feedback discussions with your Graduate Coach, you are ready for the big leagues... to meet with the former admissions officer who him or herself conducted the admissions interviews just a couple years ago. The interview will be followed by constructive feedback from the admissions officer, who will also give you a crucial insider perspective on exactly what the admissions interviewers look for and how exactly you can deliver just that in your interview.
After your interviews, you will feel a heightened sense of confidence and preparedness. You will have a better sense of what the law school interviewer is looking to hear and a better sense of how to present yourself. You’ll be ready to ace your interview!
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